Geographically, the city of Bogor is located between 106 '48' East Longitude and 6 '26' S latitude, geographical position of the city of Bogor in the middle of the district of Bogor and its location is very close to the State Capital, is a strategic potential for development and economic growth and services, national center for industry, commerce, transportation, communications, and tourism.
Bogor has an average altitude of 190 m minimum and maximum 330 m above sea level.
Climatic conditions in the city of Bogor average temperatures every month 26 'C with the lowest temperature 21.8' C with the highest temperature 30.4 'C. 70% air humidity, rainfall on average each year about 3500-4000 mm with the largest rainfall in December and January.
Bogor City Area of 11,850 hectares consisting of 6 districts and 68 urban villages. Then The Administrative Bogor city consists of 6 districts, 31 villages and 37 villages (five of them left the village including the village Pamoyanan, Tile, Balungbangjaya, Mekarwangi and Sindangrasa), 210 villages, 623 RW, 2712 RT and the surrounded by the Bogor Regency as follows:
Kec northern borders. Kemang, Bojong Gede, and Kec. Talbot Bogor Regency.
East with Kec. Talbot and district. Ciawi, Bogor regency.
West bordering district. Darmaga and Kec. Ciomas, Bogor regency.
South bordering district. Cijeruk and district. Caringin, Bogor regency.
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